Family Fixit Campaign

A campaign by Ferney Lee schoolchildren to encourage fixing to reduce textile and electronic waste

Family Fixit Campaign

A campaign by Ferney Lee schoolchildren to encourage fixing to reduce textile and electronic waste

campaign summary

About this Campaign

This campaign was created by Year 6 students at Ferney Lee Primary School in the Summer of 2021. The aim was to reduce waste. Later in this report you can find our more about how it came to life. This report covers the following:

  • The Family Fixit Campaign to reduce textile and electronic waste
  • How the campaign was created by young people
  • How you can get involved now!

Fix it Don’t Ditch It Campaign

Help Fixit the Phoenix breathe new life into your old stuff

Come to the Family Stitch and Fix Club

Repairing is fun, free and fantastic for the environment. We can fix electronic gadgets and repair and improve our clothes.

Join our family fixing club to learn repair skills and to find out more about what happens to our waste.

Fixing is magic. You can breathe new life into the things you love. You can build your skills up from simple fixes to highly skilled ones.

Find out more about how to join us on Tuesdays after school on the Fixit Club page of the Todmorden Makery Website

Our workshops as a slideshow

Why our campaign matters.

This project has been a lot of fun but it’s important too!

We love our clothes and electronics when we have them. But they become dangerous when they leave us and become waste.

In our repair club we will reduce our waste and find out the, hidden story of Textile and e-Waste (electronic waste). It doesn’t just disappear into thin air.

At Ferney Lee we found out about some important facts as we started this #iwill campaign project. We want to sharing these facts with you below.

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Video Report - High cost of Fast fashion

We watched this video about the high costs of fast fashion. It shows a family and a journalist going on a journey to find out where the clothes that they throw away go. It uncovered some worrying facts.

Less than 1% of textile waste is really recycled

Globally about 92 million tonnes of textiles waste is created each year!

Less than 1 percent - actually gets reused into other fabric materials.

Modern clothes made with Mixed Materials are very tricky to recycle and to repair. Pure Cotton, denim and wool clothes cost a little bit more but they last longer and can be recycled and repaired more easily.

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Video Report - E-Waste in Accra, Ghana

There’s 50 million tonnes of E-waste a year!

E-waste is made up of products with a plug or battery like computers and mobile phones. Globally there are over 50 million tonnes of e-waste created per year.

Some of the causes are:

  • people buying more electronics
  • the products not lasting as long
  • products are getting harder to repair.

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Our Response to this information

After finding this out we decided that we wanted to do something.

We created this campaign!

Here are some of our key campaign messages that we want to communicate.

Reuse don’t Replace”

“Say no to polluting and poisoning innocent people”

“Every gadget we repair is something that won’t become hazardous waste.”

What we want to you to do!

Learn repair skills at Todmorden makery

You can learn repairing and making skills with fun and family friendly activities.

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Help Fixit the Phoenix breathe new life into your old stuff

We can reuse some waste textiles and electronics or find out what happens to what we can’t. Fixing is magic. You can breathe new life into the things you love. You can build your skills up from simple fixes to highly skilled ones.

Join our FREE family fixing club to learn repair skills and to find out more about what happens to our waste.

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We are hoping there will be another run in September 2021. sign up here

See also