Family Fixit Campaign

A campaign by Ferney Lee schoolchildren to encourage fixing to reduce textile and electronic waste

campaign summary

About this Campaign

This campaign was created by Year 6 students at Ferney Lee Primary School in the Summer of 2021. The aim was to reduce waste. Later in this report you can find our more about how it came to life. This report covers the following:

  • The Family Fixit Campaign to reduce textile and electronic waste
  • How the campaign was created by young people
  • How you can get involved now!
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Todmorden Makery - a new maker space project

Scavenger Labs start a new space for making, repairing and inventing

Image of the first Repair Cafe at the new Todmorden Makery workshop

Press Release – For immediate Release

Todmorden Makery A Big Thank You to Todmorden

We have been awarded Town Council grant funding to establish a community workshop located in Todmorden Community College.

Following the success of the pre-covid monthly Repair Café , Mick Chesterman decided more could be done to create a long-term space for people to make, create and repair, as well as provide a home for like-minded community focused projects.

Mick said

“Todmorden Makery is a community workshop for repairing and making all manner of things located in Todmorden Community College. One of the leading contributions to climate gas emissions are the textile and electronics industries. This project encourages repairing objects, sharing tools and spreading knowledge of repairing.

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